Amulet of good luck with your own hands

Since ancient times, people have believed in the power of magic and its ability to protect them from evil otherworldly powers. To this end, they made a good luck talisman whose strength is determined not by the form and material of manufacture, but by a firm belief in its power.

Lucky Rune Amulet

Hold me, my talisman,

Let me in the days of persecution,

In the day of repentance, excited:

You were given to me on a sad day.

Surely many people remember these wonderful lines of the famous poet, although it is about a special ring, for many people their own amulets are important in life, and for the most part, they are associated withRelated to more pleasant events designed to bring good luck.

In general, that's exactly the purpose of any amulet of light: good luck in all endeavors, freedom from trouble and good luck, in the end.

As our constant companions, they are small in size. Of course, this is also a strictly individual project, so we'll show you how to make an amulet yourself at home, which is the best way to make it.

Definition of amulet and its function

Amulet type of good luck

Over the centuries, quite a few people have tried to find certain objects that have magical properties that help a person in his career and actions, or protect him from trouble.

It can be said that amulets and amulets of this period received their classification and division:

  • protect its owner;
  • warning of danger;
  • help solve problems;
  • to attract happiness and good luck.

It should be obvious that such amulet will inevitably lose its magic if someone tries to use them negatively for the purpose of harming others. That is, the initial use is only for good and bright purposes.

But, we repeat, in order to acquire it yourself, no pure professional skills or acquiring it is required. How to make a good luck amulet with your own hands, now we will tell you in detail.

The shape of the amulet

Good Luck Amulet Pendant

Some forms of amulets have a strict foundation, which is to say, you must first set yourself a clear goal—its purpose—and decide on the type and material accordingly.

If the small size is generally understandable, since the amulet must always be with us, the meaning of each form is as follows:

  • The circle is a symbol of prosperity and harmony;
  • The oval represents talent and flexibility in decision-making;
  • Square - symbolizing power and permanence, embodying the power of all four elements;
  • Triangle - Facilitates contact with higher powers and attracts good luck.

These are known as the most common forms of magic items. Of course, there are more besides them. For example, in the form of stars with different amounts of light, silhouettes of animals, human hearts, etc.

By the way, even coins with specially made holes to hang on ropes or chains, or coins that originally had holes like Japanese or Chinese coins, can come off as amulets. This amulet is usually for wealth and prosperity, and can often be used as a fashionable attribute or ornament.

Even dice or small wooden signs work perfectly as square talismans. An amulet in the form of one or more knots is a good talisman, warding off negative influences on the one hand and attracting good luck on the other.

The material of the amulet

wooden amulet of good luck

There is certainly more room for imagination here.

However, one important but ironclad rule should be remembered:

The material of the amulet can only be pure natural, no man-made!

Not to mention the requirement, the preference is the tactile pleasure, as sometimes the amulet can be constantly moved through the fingers, which only induces soothing and positive feelings.

So, first of all, it is a tree that is interesting and attractive in its variety, and sometimes, from a magical point of view, a valuable species that can be easily processed at home. Also popular are amulets made of metal and even various fabrics.

The magic of the zodiac

rune on amulet of good luck

When it comes to amulets, one cannot bypass the zodiac because each zodiac sign has its own and only his inherent, magic, reflected on the object.

After all, we're well aware of the differences, which means that if we're talking about amulets' personalities, we can't do without finer adjustments to each one.

For the most part, the process has already been described, it's still just trying it yourself and applying it:

  • Aries, preferably a round or square amulet, colors - orange, green;
  • Taurus, an amulet in the form of an animal is desirable, more precisely, even an elephant, which is very light in color;
  • Gemini, the best form is in the form of a key or lock, and the colors are blue, blue and white;
  • Cancer, the main form is the heart or the moon, or the statue or figure of cancer is made of gold, i. e. the color is golden;
  • A lion, a round amulet, or in the form of a lion or eagle itself, is also golden in color;
  • Virgin, handmade clay or plaster, light coloured;
  • Libra, also has form, but the material with color is silver;
  • Scorpio, in the form of a frog or its image, red in color;
  • Sagittarius, choice of horseshoe, arrow or scarab bronze;
  • Capricornus, amulets in the form of ladders or coins, the color or material itself is golden;
  • Aquarius, again purely handmade, associated with the sky (flight) - bird feathers or cherubs;
  • Pisces is the sign most associated with water, so only their color is defined - blue.

basic conditions for creation

Make a lucky charm with your own hands

It is also obvious that the amulet is not created at all times, but only on certain days or even hours.

First, what to keep in mind after you've decided on shapes, colors and materials, it's best to start with a growing moon to create it. The moon itself at this time contributes to all undertakings.

Second, the days of the week vary, as they each have their own planet, which should contribute, for example:

  • Wednesday - about money;
  • It is best to be a love amulet on Friday;
  • On Sundays, an amulet is made for good luck.

Third, amulets can only be made in an atmosphere of complete calm and concentration. Both candles and sunlight are suitable for lighting. At the same time, the state should be calm - no irritability or negativity, only positive emotions, without being distracted by anything.

Fourth, be sure to wrap the talisman in a cloth and keep it under your pillow overnight when you're done working. This is important for connecting your subconscious more fully with what you put into the amulet, which after fine-tuning can be considered fully ready.

Fifth, and an important rule, try not to keep your amulet separate and carry it with you all the time, but don't show it to outsiders, let alone talk about its power and abilities. This particular knowledge is too intimate for you to be known by outsiders without risking harming yourself.

It is very important to follow these main rules, otherwise there is no certainty that an amulet made by one's own hands will at least somehow fulfill its purpose.

Recently, in addition to the shapes, colors and symbols of the zodiac, the traditions of the Chinese lunar calendar, especially the symbolism of specific years, have become popular. There's no reason to doubt the deep and time-honored wisdom of the East, so let's take a look at the magical objects according to their calendar.

What are some powerful good luck charms that you can use in your daily life?

Such amulets can be not only pictures, but also amulets made of stones, animals and plants. In the meantime, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most powerful amulets.

The Most Powerful Magical Amulet of Good Luck:

  • Bamboo sprouts. This resilient plant has proven safe to use to make personal amulets. After all, bamboo is a symbol of success and prosperity for any startup. According to Feng Shui, to activate the power of plants, it must be placed in an eastern room;
  • The horseshoe is another equally powerful talisman that attracts good luck. She protects from poverty and misfortune. Many countries still use this amulet to this day. Horseshoes made of iron possess the divine power of fire and metal elements. It is said that the person who finds the horseshoe from the horse will have a lifetime of good luck.
  • Such horseshoes should be hung in the house, above the front door, with the ends down. Therefore, no evil force can penetrate your fortress. Your family will be protected from powerful magic and damage. If you place your horseshoe with the horns facing up, prosperity and financial prosperity will rule the house forever;
  • Scarab - an amulet that attracts good luck, came to us from ancient Egypt. By the way, it was this beetle that was considered sacred by the Egyptians. Therefore, the image of this insect is regarded as a deity. The scarab represents transformation, rebirth in another world. It is also a symbol of vitality. Without it, there would be no human beings on earth. Also, beetles attract good luck, not only in the physical world, but also in the spiritual world. When using such amulet, you will gain powerful energy vampire, black magic and destruction protection;
  • Rabbit Feet - For the amulet, use the animal's hind legs. This amulet attracts good luck and provides material benefits. In addition, amulets can help parents get pregnant;
  • Cat's Eye - This stone protects the owner from black magic, helping to overcome any difficulties with minimal loss. This amulet is universal. It is commonly used by merchants and gamblers; Elephant - Statue can bring success in any activity and also helps to attract wealth, financial prosperity, wisdom;
  • Amulet in the form of a key is a magical amulet. Also, for good luck, you can use any version of the key. Variations of this amulet open the heart and path to wealth, attract success and improve health.

You shouldn't think that our ancestors have persevered and futilely believed in the power of magic items, all kinds of non-random symbols, symbols and occult symbols, all of which, to some extent, have and have had an effect on us. have an impact on their and our lives and destiny. The stable nature of the phenomenon simply says that there is a connection between a person and his amulet or talisman in some sense.

No matter what they call it or explain it later, miracle or coincidence. To put it another way, not only ideas can be realized or realized, but we ourselves can somehow transfer parts of them to things we do ourselves.